Career Planning Pathway

It’s not about finding your path — it’s about creating it. In today’s rapidly changing and competitive job market, 职业规划已经成为你大学生涯的一个重要方面. Working with Susquehanna’s Career Development Center, you will plan your career throughout your college years. 这种积极主动的方法不仅能提高你的就业能力,还能让你塑造自己的职业命运.

Student Guide to Career Development 

First Year: Discover

  • 与职业发展人员会面:安排与职业顾问的会面,讨论你的优势, values, interests and goals.
  • Activate your Handshake account: Access campus jobs, internships, career opportunities, events and programs in your areas of interest.
  • 开始打造你的大学简历:加入你感兴趣的学生组织, volunteer in the community and/or obtain a campus job. 使用职业发展中心的mySU页面上的简历指南或握手来起草一份简历,然后让职业顾问来审阅!
  • 考虑你的兴趣/发现你专业的职业道路:查看学术课程目录, websites like and, 以及通过mySU的“我可以用这个专业做什么”资源来识别和探索潜在的专业和辅修.
  • 发展专业关系:与指导你学术发展的教师建立联系. 参加第一年的体验项目,了解更多的校园资源和可以帮助你的工作人员!
  • 创建您的LinkedIn个人资料并启动您的SU LinkedIn学习帐户:获得访问我们15个网络的权限,000+ alumni, research companies, unlock learning experiences taught by real-world professionals, and apply for jobs and internships.

Sophomore Year: Explore

  • Investigate your interests: Attend career programs and workshops, and our employment, internship, 和研究生院的招聘会一起学习如何和与你的兴趣相关的经历.
  • Connect with professionals, alumni, 教职员工:与校友和其他人进行信息面试,以了解潜在的职业道路. When possible, shadow a professional in your  eld of interest.
  • 与教师和工作人员联系,他们可以告诉你与你的职业兴趣相关的机会.
  • 寻找机会:更新你的Handshake账户和LinkedIn资料,寻找并申请校园工作和实习机会.
  • 更新你的简历:让职业顾问审阅你的简历.
  • 参加突破职业之旅和校园活动,向在你感兴趣的领域工作的校友学习.
  • Engage in a LinkedIn Learning course: Learn skills, gain knowledge, and earn credentials to prepare you for internships and careers.
  • 积累你的经验:积极参与学生或志愿者组织,发展和提高你的职业准备技能.
  • 确保你的社交媒体账号是合适的和专业的.

Junior Year: Connect

  • 制定职业目标:与职业顾问和学术顾问一起制定职业行动计划.
  • 参与:参加招聘活动、招聘会、社交活动和研讨会.
  • 在校园内外的突破活动中与校友建立联系.
  • Seek a leadership position(s) with a student organization, serve as a teaching or research assistant, obtain on-campus employment and more!
  • Create or update your LinkedIn account, 向主管要求技能背书,完成领英学习课程.
  • 拓展知识面:在校学习,完成实习或研究经历,做志愿者. 申请体验式教育基金,以协助实习和其他机会,补充你的学习.
  • 研究生院轨道:研究研究生院并注册参加适当的入学考试. 更新你的简历,并与导师和职业顾问讨论你的计划.
  • 职场轨迹:更新你的简历,并开始征求教师和专业人士的许可,将他们作为专业参考.

Senior Year: Achieve

  • 在大四的时候与职业顾问见面,制定并最终确定你的研究生计划. 职业顾问、教师和导师是否审查过你的申请材料.
  • 参与:参加校园研讨会和活动,了解更多关于求职的信息, applying to graduate school, interviewing, professional etiquette, and negotiating salary/benefits.
  • Network with and inter view professionals in the industries, 通过参加招聘会和其他活动让你感兴趣的地点和公司.
  • Confirm that your social media presence and LinkedIn profile are employer appropriate; show engagement with your field of interest.
  • 安排一次实习工作或研究生面试来磨练你的演讲技巧.

Graduate School Track

  • 安排一次实习工作或研究生面试来磨练你的演讲技巧.
  • 研究研究生院,报名参加适当的入学考试.
  • Draft and revise personal statements.
  • Ask professional contacts to write letters of recommendation.
  • 更新你的简历,并与导师和职业顾问讨论你的计划.
  • Submit your graduate school applications EARLY!

Workforce Track

  • 征求教师和专业人士的许可,将他们作为专业参考.
  • Update your resume, draft and revise cover letters.
  • 跟踪您提交的申请,以确保适当的跟进!
  • Real-World Experience

    “The Miami Dolphins’ internet presence show that they are one of the most talented groups of creatives in the country, and the opportunity to learn from them is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. From Day One at Susquehanna, I was challenged with things in the editing room, production studio and classroom that I may not have gotten until later years elsewhere. This internship is preparing me to work for high-level organizations with large teams. I will be better prepared for things such as project management, organization and constructive criticism.”

    Brendan Alvino ’24

    Sports Media Major

    Internship with the Miami Dolphins

    See More Internships

    Employee Lifestyle Portraits Wednesday, June 28th, 2023 in Miami Gardens, Fla. (Brennan Asplen/Miami Dolphins)
  • See Photos From Break Through 2024

    Enjoy this photo album of Break Through 2024, which featured hundreds of student and alumni participants.

    If you find a photo of yourself, you are encouraged to download the image and share with your network on LinkedIn.



    The skills you gain outside of the classroom are just as valuable as the ones you learn in it.

    Running a club, 参加运动队和社区服务会让你获得雇主需要的重要技能, like leadership, teamwork, planning and problem-solving.

    We can help you sell these skills to future employers on paper and in person!